Wednesday, January 25, 2012

   My sister Cecelia is one of those remarkable people who helps feed the poor, care for the needy, and shelter the sick. She is a real life karma yogi with a lifetime of helping others, as I often call her "Saint Cecelia" behind her back.  The truth is, she pulls things out of the air magically when she wants something - like the ability to keep an orphanage in Jamaica running, suddenly providing them with donated clothes, medical supplies, and beds she found. Or the container of shoes shipped to Hati that I helped load, in 100 degree temperature. Years ago, my sister and her friend Alexia, decided they wanted to find a large parcel of land and create a community where they could all live. Sure enough, a 200  acre hunting estate was found outside, and several close families got together to sub divided the property, build houses, and garages - to chicken coops, cow pastures, walking trails, meditation gardens, and a private cemetery. They even got a beautiful chapel donated when they decided they wanted a place to pray. Now, that's big thinking.

   One of their new recent dreams, is to eventually get the farm to become self sustaining, growing herbs, raising fresh poultry and vegetables. Mind you, not that anyone on the property has ever been a farmer. But hey, no biggie, we have manifesting going on here. Sure enough, all the families all chipped in and purchased several cows and a steer, which they eventually would slaughter and split up the meat amongst them, which I begged them not to do, while I was there. Bad enough, we had to shoot a sick chicken, which was discussed in depth over dinner one night, and nearly put me into permanent Vegetarianism.

  Now that I'm safely three thousand miles away in the land of Organic Kale-is-the-new-Chicken, the big day recently came for Tippy the Steer to be Tippy The T Bone, and be "processed" - a polite term for turning him into a Rib Eye. My sister said they cried all the way there (rightly so). Cry. Cry. Cry. And after dropping Tippy off to his death sentence, they were shown around the premises by the owner, with in depth tour of the slice-o-rama.

Nice touch.

   Permanently traumatized, my sister said she and Alexa cried all the way home. Cry. Cry. Cry.           Now you can say, that things always seem darkest when you are called on to make a hard decision, and unfortunately there was no turning back Tippy from Chipped Beef. However ironic, just at that moment, the divine light of manifestation revealed itself exactly when it was needed most and from out a culvert in the land off the road, often woodsy and untamed, came two little Lab puppies suddenly bounding up to the curb.

   The car stops. Out jump my sister and her friend who grab the puppies, and jump back into the car. Alexa turns to my sister, and says 'That's so funny! I had written on my calendar today, to find a puppy!" Cecelia looks at Alexa and says, "Now, that's really funny, because I wrote on my day runner, to go the pound  - and get a puppy!"

 "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right".

 The puppies have new homes. Tippy is now a T Bone, and life at the farm goes on, along with the rest of the manifested arsenal of kittens, ducks, rabbits, goats, donkeys, horse, chickens, roosters, and cows. So, now I'm taking the manifesting challenge on - to be more like my sister by doing more for others, be a better person, and help those in need.  And manifest. Really big.

 You know, I've always wanted to own my own horse.

  See you at the corral.

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